Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Unit 3: Rivers and coasts - hazards and opportunities offered by rivers

River hazards 



Effects of Floods         • Floods destroy drainage systems causing raw sewage           to spill out into bodies of water...

River erosion


River opportunities

Living on a flood plain

"Floodplains provide a wide range of benefits to the ecosystem and community that include:
  • Flood storage and erosion control–offer a broad area for streams and rivers to spread out and accommodate temporary storage of flood water, reducing flood peaks and erosion potential
  • Water quality maintenance – reducing sediment loads, filtering nutrients and impurities, and moderating water temperature
  • Groundwater recharge
  • Biological productivity – providing fertile soils with high rate of plant growth and diversity, richer agricultural harvests, and healthier forests
  • Habitat for a variety of fish and wildlife, including rare and endangered species
  • Recreational opportunities – providing areas for active and passive activities, supporting the economic base
  • Open space" 

Living close to a delta

-fertile soil for agriculture
-the deltas can trap pollutants before they flow into the gulf
-sediment that is deposited in the delta does not become turbidity in the gulf
-they create wildlife habits"


Living close to a river

"So why do people live near rivers?

  • The land on a flood plain tends to be flat, which is helpful for building.
  • The river can be used for communications ;
  • or roads/tracks can easily be made on flat land;
  • The flat land makes growing and harvesting crops by machine easier;
  • Water is available for irrigation; eg for rice growing (dev);
  • Water supplies for domestic use/river for washing;
  • Disposal of waste, either directly into the river or by using the river to remove the waste;
  • Population pressure leaves them with no choice, as there is little land left;
  • Fishing in river/food supplies;"


Read source for more info on river assets and hazards:


  1. Floods have large social consequences for communities and individuals. As most people are well aware, the immediate impacts of flooding include loss of human life, damage to property, destruction of crops, loss of livestock, and deterioration of health conditions owing to waterborne diseases.

  2. Floods have large social consequences for communities and individuals. As most people are well aware of impacts of flooding including damage to property The buildings can be destroyed which can lead to many toxic materials such as paint, and gasoline.
    , deterioration of health conditions owing to waterborne diseases, and the destruction of drainage systems causing raw sewage. Flooding can directly impact the health and well being of wildlife and livestock riverbank erosion and sedimentation the dispersal of nutrients and pollutants surface and groundwater supplies and local landscapes and habitats.

    10-5 Noor Al-Muhannadi

  3. Floods can have a many consequences and effects on the economy,environment and people as shown in the photos,the problems that a flood can cause are roads,bridges,farms,houses and automobiles getting destroyed,All these things will affect the people living near by and it will cause many people to go homeless. The
    environment will also get affected because all the chemicals and other hazardous substances are going to end up in the water,In addition to the fact that it will kill animals and humans

  4. really helpful for my school studies! Thanks!
